четверг, 9 января 2020 г.


If you find issues or would like more info or help, please contact the author. Here's what we have for our "innerRowTpl":. If the generated output of a Wayfinder call requires the presence of certain CSS or JavaScript, you can store the CSS in one chunk and the JavaScript in another, then use these parameters to have Wayfinder copy one or both chunks into the HEAD section of the webpage in which the Wayfinder call is made. Improving the question-asking experience. Do you habe an Idea about that? Wayfinder is a Snippet by kylej that scans a specified portion of the MODX document tree, finds all documents that satisfy a certain criteria determined by the Parameters , and outputs a formatted list of those documents. What have you tried so far? wayfinder modx

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Not too bad for a Snippet call wayflnder requires only a single parameter. Before You Start For the following examples, we will be referring to the following sample resources: By using templates, many of the parameters are no longer needed for flexible output including tables, unordered- or ordered-lists ULs or OLsdefinition lists DLs or in any dayfinder format you desire.

Category Index Page with Thumbnails getResources. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie MorxPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: These parameters specify the chunks that contain the templates that will drive the generation of Wayfinder's output. Name of the chunk containing the template for the current document if it is in a subfolder.

Wayfinder Introductory Examples | MODX Extras

When set to 1, the link specified in a weblink document will be output to the placeholder [ aayfinder. The field to get the actual link text from. Name of a chunk containing the JavaScript you would like added to the page when the Wayfjnder call is present. Set to 0 to store indefinitely until cache is manually cleared. Contexts to use for building the menu. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Let's say, your image TV is named icon.

wayfinder modx

But it's up to you to tell Wayfinder the CSS classnames you want to use, and which portions of the generated output you want them associated with. Name of the chunk wayfiner the template for items that are containers, have children and are currently active in the tree.

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Extended User Profiles Login. Name of a chunk containing the JavaScript you would like added to the page when the Wayfinder call is present. Extended User Profiles Login. Hopefully these illustrations have helped you understand how the various Chunks fit together to create a fully-customizable menu.

Active 1 year, 3 months ago.

wayfinder modx

Wayfinder's primary purpose is to generate navigational menus that automatically update to reflect changes made to the document tree, but it can be used for other purposes as well.

As I mentioned, you'll also need the parent template and classes.

Wayfinder | MODX Extras

Creating a Blog Babel Babel. The field to get the link title from. This is a user-contributed Extra.

List Chunks Here are parameters that should reference chunks that contain some variant of a LISTor a container of items: For example you may wish to have a main menu at the top of the page, then along the sides have secondary menus for products, services, teams, roles, etc. Wayfinder's primary purpose is to generate navigational menus that automatically update to reflect changes made to the document tree, but it can be used for other purposes as well.

Wayfinder Introductory Examples

I tried it with tplInner Do you habe an Idea about that? Each pertaining to a different section of the document tree.

wayfinder modx

You can use CSS to control the appearance and in some cases the behavior of various portions of the generated output. Use the "f" and "esc" keyboard shortcuts to open and close search. See in our examples how the first and last row items have custom CSS classes added?

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