четверг, 16 января 2020 г.


It has different page options available, so that you can add the ones you want in your website. This theme looks gorgeous, no matter how you do it up. This theme is stunning and sharp, and definitely makes a lasting impression. The design, layout, typography, icons, menus, all tend towards a common design — retro. This theme is very useful for start-ups and eCommerce websites. It has an elegant and modern design that is simple, interactive and sophisticated. Candy is cute, adorable, engaging, and curiosity-generating one page WordPress theme. boosterius wordpress

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Thank you for this. Alamak has a distinct quality of sorting and placing every website element properly and placing it such that every aspect is properly highlighted.

The design fits ideally on any resolution and looks wonderful on all desktop and mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. The thing about this theme is that it has many visual and technical features that are perfect for the creative folk to design exquisite and unique websites.

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It has 52 designs that are ready to use, infinite colours, unlimited headers, a selection of video backgrounds, animated transitions, a WooCommerce wofdpress and many, many shortcodes. It has slider effects, various background effects, parallax scrolling, portfolio, and a lot more.

It features 16 colour presets, 4 preset layouts, 4 different kinds of sliders, parallax scrolling, expandable portfolio and more. As the name makes obvious, Parallax features a beautiful parallax scrolling effect across its one page layout.

Use specific shortcodes to easily create layout objects like columns, image sliders, buttons, tooltips, etc. This theme is created specially for uploading resumes and CVs.

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Some elements of this templates are created with Jquery - one of the most popular JavaScript libraries designed to simplify web development and create awesome features. The highlight of Product Press is that the theme is visually strong and makes an impact on the viewers.

It offers sliders, carousels, customizable ribbons and a single page layout.

Rock the retro vibe with this very hippie and extremely fun one page theme from WordPress. SimpleKey has a visual appeal to it that looks like a blend of vintage and colour. What sets Xiara apart from other themes is the textures and colours. Then Resume is your kind of one page WordPress theme.

Vibrant and contrasting hues is the main feature of this theme. The layout is minimal and simplistic, yet modern, effective and engaging.

Jquery Some elements of this templates are created with Jquery - one of the most popular JavaScript libraries designed to simplify web development and create awesome features. Overall, Worddpress is a really stunning one page WordPress theme.

It is also completely responsive, looking brilliant across all screen sizes and resolutions. The page comes with a slider effect to allow viewers to woordpress on the same page without having to scroll too much. This single page WordPress theme for business comes up with 5 sections.

Alamak is a great website for agencies, corporates, portfolios, photography websites, and freelancers. It has a responsive design, sticky navigation, theme-options panel, video portfolio support, and lots more. Corsa is retina obosterius, and makes your images more vibrant and sharper.

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The Moon is a responsive, elegant, clean, and modern one page WordPress theme. The responsiveness has an option to be toggled on or off. If you are looking to get your creative juices flowing, then Mustache is the theme for you. This is a rarely-seen feature, especially in a one page theme. Customize bolsterius manage beautiful slideshows to feature the most important content of your website.

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It has been designed keeping creative portfolios in mind. The design, layout, typography, icons, menus, all tend towards a common design — retro. You can tweak the elements around to personalize your website according to your taste.

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