понедельник, 13 января 2020 г.


Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Comments like this don't really do much to inspire confidence in motives either. Quality options are now available when streaming to an Apple TV. You can bridge your wired connection with Wi-Fi hotspot s to extend your wireless network range and unify your existing local network and the wireless network hosted on your DiskStation. Fixed an issue where SFTP service would consume excessive memory when it was enabled. dsm 5.0-4458

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Posted March 13, I couldn't access the NAS anymore. If it's working it's ok.

Don't forget that we do all the work on our free time. Fixed security issues by upgrading PHP to version 5. The installation will now continue, after this, your NAS will have the old version. Contact Synology assistance, find your NAS and press install.

dsm 5.0-4458

The only problem with this method is that it uses gnoboot-alpha-vfat. Media Library The default indexed folders — photo, video, 5.0-44588 — are removable from indexed folders. Fixed an issue where encrypted shared folders on ext3 volumes could not be mounted. For shared folders created in DSM 4. This morning I updated my diskstation to DSM 5.

After login from browser, there was a white screen or loading screen. Please check the compatibility of your PHP-based web apps with php 5.

Badges-style notification counters appear on application icons.

Nueva versión firmware de NAS Synology DSM Update 1

After installation, when a snapshot is triggered on DSM, vCenter Server will be notified and flush all the data from memory to the LUN to guarantee data consistency.

Sign up to join this community. Improved the mini-player design notably for the portrait mode. Sign In Sign Up.

dsm 5.0-4458

Nobody owes you anything here. Overview page displays scheduled 5.0-44558 completed backup tasks. Estas son las principales novedades: Changed the error reporting settings of Web Station. Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. Newly created shared folders implement the permission settings of Windows ACL.

Nueva versión firmware de NAS Synology DSM 5.0-4458 Update 1

I did ash S97apache-sys. Data and configuration backup created in DSM 5.

I totally agree with you and trantor. Don't let the voice of two speak fir the rest of the community, most of us are grateful for your work, and all those who contribute to the forum. Edited March 16, by Guest.

Fixed Issues Fixed a system security issue to prevent unauthorized access via File Station. Enhanced the compatibility of File Station with Internet Explorer The only problem is to install DSM 5.

– Install DSM Update 2 on Synology in Hyper-V with gnoBoot

They just want stuff handed to them. And if suckers over at nas.

dsm 5.0-4458

Data and configurations that were backed up in DSM 5. If there's a bug, your system is down and there is a fix available, it could be days before you figure out how download it, and "guess" the password.

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