вторник, 14 января 2020 г.


Especially the long-term effect of the light metal represents an uncertain risk. Consequently, the plastics industry changed significantly: In recent years, there has been several scandals concerning the plasticiser bisphenol A BPA , which was contained in most plastic products. Plastic is not biodegradable and can remain in our nature for hundreds of years. It is particularly important to keep food and drinks away from any plastics. The light metal aluminum has also demonstrated its potentially harmful effects. Aluminum can damage tissue, has neurotoxic effects to our nervous system and accumulates in bones and brain, which also increases the risk of developing dementia. fettleibigkeit vorprogrammiert

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Aluminum can damage tissue, has neurotoxic effects to our nervous system and accumulates in bones and brain, which also increases the risk of developing dementia.

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Reliable research studies have shown that BPA can cause serious health issues such as obesity, asthma or even cancer. Leider nein vorprogrxmmiert Leitfaden wie man im Alltag Plaste einfach mal weglassen kann.

And why is aluminum no alternative? This substance can transfer to food or drinks packed in plastic and can find its way into our bodies. This is only possible if everyone is aware of the risks and impacts of plastic.

By vettleibigkeit replacement of disposable packaging and bottles by reusable stainless steel products, anyone can avoid a large amount of waste and contribute to a better world.

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Aluminum seems to be a good alternative at first glance. But not only plastic or heavy metals such as lead or cadmium can have negative effects on our health.

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vorpogrammiert The light metal aluminum has also demonstrated its potentially harmful effects. But why is it not enough to simply switch to BPA-free products, rather than completely avoiding plastic? Why stainless steel instead of plastic?

It is particularly important to keep food and drinks away from any plastics. In everyday life we are regularly confronted with aluminum because it may be included for example in cookware, cosmetics and personal care products or even in food.

In recent years, there has been several scandals concerning the plasticiser bisphenol A BPAwhich was contained in most plastic products. Especially the long-term effect of the light metal represents an uncertain risk. In addition to the health aspect, the protection of the environment plays an important role.

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Consequently, the plastics industry changed significantly: Obviously it is very hard or even impossible to completely vorprogrxmmiert plastic in everyday life, but even small steps towards a plastic free life count. Although the products retain their BPA-free labelling, they may be just as harmful as products with BPA — as new research studies have shown. Plastic is not biodegradable and can remain in our nature for hundreds of years.

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We have the responsibility for our planet and our future generations, to which we want to leave a clean planet. Unfortunately, BPA is not the only harmful substance contained in plastic.

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