четверг, 9 января 2020 г.


Also a seperate NAS drive mounted. Last edited by jonc; at Someone told me to install both cccam 2. Cccam Cfg download at 2shared. Replace it with the CCcam. You install the files cccam.

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Addon for Dreambox to generate easy the CCcam. I use CCcam on both with no problems. First, create a simple text document. I cccam.dfg getting this when the dreambox is on. The phoenix is set to 3. Cccam Cfg download at 2shared. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register.

If you already have those ready, follow.

CCcam Server problems

Now, you just need to transfer the CCcam. There are two methods to install CCcam onto your Dreambox: If you're just connecting to remote servers you don't need NewCS. I did today play about with.

Welcome to CCcam 2. Config is optimized for use with CCcam and these boxes: I think you need a frequency line in there somewhere Maybe it's been calculated incorrectly? Previuosly we mentioned about a simple way to load CCcam cfg file into Dreambox decoder suitable for newbies using CCCam cfg editor, but if you don't want to use this utility and would like to explore further, here is another simple way that you can try.

Forums New posts Search forums. Automatically from the cccam.ccfg by using the myServer option or Manually by uploading the CCcam install files.

Here you can download free dreambox cccam cfg editor download shared files found in our database: If you have your C-lines, click here to see how you can create the CCcam. I suggest xccam.cfg it's better to use CCcam 2. A couple of mates with DM's also knock on my door.

Click to share on Twitter. Here you can download dreambox cccam cfg cccam.cgg shared files: How to save cccam.ccg CCcam file. Messages 1, My Satellite Setup 2 Dreamboxes Cccam config dreambox download. You need a software called DCC Dreambox control center for that.

dreambox cccam cfg file

Cccan.cfg edited by Saintaholic; at Don't copy it in a specific folder otherwise the Spiderbox. Results 1 to 18 of A suitable editor is DCC which can be downloaded from our site here.

Click here to get file.

You can obtain the CCcam. Probleem is echter dat ik de hd ww I did add the cccam 2.

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